Introducing Skwäds.

The #1 place to get your travel organization online.

Empower your team’s online presence with Skwads! We create affordable, easy-to-use websites for travel organizations, requiring minimal technical know-how.

Built with the player in mind.

So, what’s in it for you?

Elevated Digital Presence

Unleash the power of a cutting-edge Content Management System (CMS) that empowers coaches and parents to effortlessly curate and enhance their team or organization’s online presence.

Effortless Content Magic

Let automation technology weave its magic as we assist you in creating compelling content. Imagine player profiles adorned with dynamic video highlights from YouTube, automatically embedded on your website. Effortless and impactful storytelling.

Immersive Online Marketplace

Transform your team into a brand with our online store, enabling you to showcase and sell your team’s swag year-round. Elevate your identity and unite your community with stylish merchandise.

Dynamic Player and Staff Showcases

Propel your team’s narrative with visually stunning profiles crafted for players and staff. Whether for recruitment, highlighting player achievements, or serving as engaging bio pages, these profiles are the perfect spotlight for your team’s success stories.

Affordable solutions for teams and organizations.

What does this awesome service cost?

Individual Player

One page website featuring the following components:

  • Full player resume featuring head shot, statistics, accomplishments, and goals.
  • Social media integration.
  • Photo & Video gallery
  • Player contact form


or a one time payment of $1500
$150 Set up fee required


A Skwäds website includes the following standout features:

  • Custom Website Design tailored to match your team’s unique style and branding.
  • Online Store showcasing custom-designed merchandise, including up to 10 products of your choice.
  • Player Profile Pages containing comprehensive player information, including headshots, coaches quotes, video highlights and optional social media links.
  • Coaches Listing Page, complete with headshots and optional biographies.
  • Team Roster Page with a custom order feature for easy management and organization.



or a one time payment of $3000
$350 Set up fee & 12 month contract required


Organization websites are crafted to provide an online presence for all your teams. They encompass the functionalities of team websites, with additional features such as:

  • A team landing page listing all the teams of the org
  • Organization history page.

Pricing starts at $250/month for 24 months for up to 3 teams. More than 3 teams will require an additional set up fee/team. 

starting at


Contact us for a quote on a one time price
$600 Set up fee & 24 month contract required

More features are coming and custom solutions are available as well.